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Enoch Choi - Best Man

Enoch is my big brother in Christ. We first met each other through the gospel choir at Abundant Life Christian Fellowship. Over the years, he's been my foodie buddy, relationship mentor, and someone who's kept me in check on my spiritual life. Enoch is the ultimate foodie - he travels across the span of $2 cabeza tacos in East Palo Alto to $200 tasting menus at French Laundry. He's also a wine expert who would make the protaganist in Kami no Shizuku jealous. When he's not out wine tasting and finding good grub, he is an urgent care doctor at Palo Alto Medical Foundation and always on the look out for cool new startups. Oh yeah - he's also an award winning karaoke performer who has covered songs from Erasure, Proclaimers and Frank Sinatra. His career background has been instrumental in providing me advice on my relationship with Edith. He's always there to provide me with moral support, encouragement and prayers - a true big brother.



Tony Dorie - Groomsman

Tony was my freshman roommate at Stanford. We were also roommates in San Mateo after we graduated from grad school. I'm proud to say that I was the first person who introduced Tony to extreme Asian culinary arts. Our first trip was to Cupertino Village where I ordered pigs ears for us to share. Since then, he's been on a mission to try new foods. Tony is a incredible chef. His bison-beef burgers, butternut squash gnocchi, and Vongole pasta are top notch. During our years in San Mateo, we also jointly created grill dishes that represented our different cultural backgrounds - BBQ grilled Japanese curry marinated chicked and skirt steak marinated with American BBQ dry rub and Canadian maple syrup. Tony and I also share a common background - our significant others are both doctors at Stanford hospital. So, we've unofficially created a men's support group whose spouses are in medicine. (i.e. a food and drink club).



Armen Berjikly - Groomsman

I first met Armen through the Stanford Otero crew during freshman year. My first impression of Armen was that he was totally brilliant - on both the technical and business fronts. We were later roommates in grad school where Armen, Neil Sheth and I were crammed into a two room apartment in Escondido Village. We shared many adventures living together - rotating rooms once a quarter to ensure that one of us will get a single room during the three quarters there, an attack by a hand sized tarantula that traumatized all of us for life and late nights working on a barely presentable business plan for a Management Science and Engineering class. Armen is a fellow fan of Abundant Life's Pastor Paul Sheppard. We are also share a common support for the great band U2. Since graduating from Stanford, Armen has realized his startup dream by founding Experience Project.


Charles Lin - Groomsman

Chaz was my roommate throughout college. His kind heart, humble nature and generous personality is well known while we were at Stanford - he would always be taking care of others and share what he had. This man was also absolutely brilliant - writing computer programs, solving economics problem sets while sleeping 4 hours a night... We shared a common bond of having family from Taiwan, growing up in Singapore and a East-West cross cultural background. We spent our days at Stanford cruising around the bay area singing David Tao and Jay Chou songs, talking about girls (I used to tell him that I always wanted to be with a tall girl - hmm... it looks like I got what I dreamed of), taking care of the dorm room fish "Alkie" and throwing memorable dorm parties (ah... the wonderful Chazmatazz drink). Chaz has since returned back to Taiwan to tend to his family business, but he still has an entrepreneurial heart - constantly looking around for the next cool tech startup. Chaz is married to our classmate Katharine and they have an adorable baby girl Anabelle.




Tze-Ming U - Groomsman

I've known Ming since coming to the US for high school. He was one year my senior and we lived in the same dorm. Ming was instrumental in helping me transition to the US from Singapore. I was clueless, fresh off the boat and had just transitioned from hot, humid Singapore to freezing cold New Hampshire - I was definitely fish out of water. Over the years in high school, Ming introduced me to American culture - basketball, American lingo, alternative rock bands and heavy metal. In return, I introduced him to Asian culture - mahjong, Sandy Lam, and Japanese anime. Ming and I shared many late nights talking about our dreams, Asia-US cultural differences, and most importantly girls. We also shared a small wooden board that had our thoughts, dreams and frustrations carved into it. Unfortunately (or fortunately), the board has been lost in the depths of time. Ming is a practicing lawyer in California but also devotes him time as a staff for UC Davis' Christian fellowship.


Walter Alexander - Groomsman

Walter was my first friend growing up. He lived down the street from my house in Singapore and some of my earliest childhood memories were of us playing together, sharing such good ole toys like He-man, Transformers, Star Wars and M.A.S.K. After that we graduated to role playing games such as Robotech, Ghostbusters, Marvel Super Heroes, Star Trek and many more. Simply put - our childhood days were joyfully full of creativity and make belief. This further fueled Walter's natural stage skills and presence, causing him to take an active role in drama and debating in school. Walter could have been accomplished actor to the likes of Tom Cruise. Instead, he became a lawyer before following his true calling - doing God's work in the ministry.



John Gibbs - Groomsman

John and I first met when we studied overseas together on the Stanford Center for Technology and Innovation (SCTI) in 2000. During our 6 months in Japan, we had an opportunity to travel around Japan together, learning about Japanese culture, acquire a taste for Japanese izakaya food (aka yakitori and grilled sanma fish) and drinks (aka sake). John also has a deep passion for wireless technologies and can always be seen tinkering with new mobility technologies. John has since taken his experience at Palm and Apple and transplanted it to Tokyo where where he now works to equip Japanese churches with internet and mobile phone outreach.





Joseph Tsang - Groomsman

Joe or "Ah Chong" is Edith's cousin. He is like a big brother to her! Growing up in Hong Kong, Joe introduced Edith to boy games, like Nintendo, robots, and wrestling, and always let her win. This may explain Edith's latest fascination with Wii and her determination to beat me in every game. (Geez, thanks, Joe). Joe played an instrumental role in helping her move to Toronto for medical school. He helped her settle into her apartment, donated furniture, drove her to Chinatown for her monthly groceries, and familiarized her to city life in Toronto. Joe is working in I.T. and is living in Hong Kong with his wife Esther. He is a techy at heart and has been a trusted consultant on tech-related matters in the family.