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Edith likes everything about the gut and aspires to be a "poop doctor" someday. When it comes to traveling and food, she loves adventures and surprises. She has backpacked in many corners of the world and her favorites include Machu Picchu in Peru, Angor Wat in Cambodia, and the local streets of Berlin. She is remembered by her "interesting" food preferences, including steamed broccoli with warmed milk, larva from the Amazon, banana bread crust, bones, and oatmeal cooked with curry. Her favorite is still her mom's home-cooked soup, which she can easily consume a gallon in one sitting. She thanks God for her loving family, friends and mentors, college InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and church community. In the past, her sweethearts included Andy Lau (Hong Kong pop singer), Prince William, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Barrack Obama; but none of these guys made the cut. In the end, Tim Choi won her heart!

Tim loves everything about food and travel - a genetic trait passed through the Choi blood line. Before leaving for a new city adventure, he'll spend hours researching on cultural sites and restaurants. Tim is known among his friends for ordering bizarre dishes from the menu on the wall of Chinese restaurants and as a result has been banned from ordering food for his office colleagues. However, in spite of his extreme culinary adventures, home cooked food from his grandma still warms his heartstrings. Tim alternates between leading business development at an information security company and dreaming about having Anthony Bourdain's job of travelling around the world, eating great food, drinking fantastic beverages and making social commentary. Tim can also be seen once a month swaying from side to side while giving praise with the Abundant Life Christian Fellowship Gospel Choir.

Tim thanks God for blessing him with Edith - a partner who shares his love for international travel, curiosity for other cultures and a passion for great food!